Thursday, March 3, 2011


Didn't get anything posted in 2010 and, I suppose, it is no small wonder...
In December 2009 Matt, Rhea and I decided to move back to California at the end of January 2010. Rhea's mother had breat cancer and my mother's health was failing. It was a difficult decision and more so for me as I loved living in the midwest. Actually, I love living anywhere but Southern California - too many issues.
After securing a transport for our belongings and preparing ourselves for the long trip ahead we left Aurora, Illinois at the end of January. We were about 200 miles from Aurora when the fuel pump on my car gave out. We spent 2 nights in Bloomington having repairs completed while we stayed in a motel with 'bed bugs.' I should interject at this point we had planned our travels around a huge ice storm that was going to hit 5 of the states we had to travel through. Our delay put of head on with the storm... We managed to reroute the trip and drove above the storm and that is another story.

Monday, June 1, 2009

She Strikes Again...


Mathew and I went out to lunch on Saturday and he looked at me and said..."Do you want to hear Madalynn's latest?" "Of course, I do," I responded (this is where I warn you to be careful what you ask for).

Thursday, I had a Board Meeting so Maddie called Uncle Matt to ask if she could go to the library. Matt told her she could go but if she told him the library then she had better be at the library and no where else. Upon hearing this warning Maddie modified the request to include the park. Matt agreed to the park and library ONLY. hour goes by and Maddie calls Matt to find out if he wants anything from McDonalds. Matt asked Madalynn what she is doing at McDonalds...because there is no McDonalds at the library or park. She comes right back at him and states that McDonald's is parkish...kinda located by the park. Matt told her to come home immediately because they needed to discuss Madalynn's 'ish'es. Good Grief!

We spoke to Hailee and Amaris this weekend from their foster home. They are doing well and appear to be quite content. We are not allowed to talk about Trisha or the girls coming to live with us. They asked a couple of questions about these two subjects but we steered them back to smooth waters. We do not want to upset the house mother or the girls by pushing issues and we want to be able to talk to the girls every Saturday morning. The girls have already been on an outing - Medieval Times and Universal Studios - both located in Orlando. At this moment in time I am not as worried as I was. The girls sound happy and healthy. They are getting the attention they so richly deserve, they are fed every day and their needs are taken care of. The foster mother has taken the girls to the doctor and I understand they are off to the dentist this week. So all is well at this moment in time.

I watched Miss Sofia this weekend and she is talking quite a bit. We read People Magazine and I taught her a new word "Yummo." For the rest of the afternoon everything was "Yummo, Gammi."

Finally...I brought a new member into our household this weekend. I was given a brand new baby bird - a cockatiel. Rhea and Maddie are busy bonding with "Cali" (short for California). I am delighted that Rhea is enjoying Cali and Cali is enjoying Rhea. Rhea comes into the room and Cali goes right to the door so she can get out and play. The two dogs have taken quite an interest in this little bit of fluff that squaks! Jade lays her head down by the cage and cries. Beau just runs around and barks - I imagine in a couple of months Cali will start imitating a bark. Once we have settled Cali in I will take a picture so you can all see the "Baby Bird.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Choosing Her Religion...

I know I'm in trouble when my kids, mostly Mathew, ask me not to put something in my blog that I find extremely funny. So, Matt...I will try my best to behave.

Maddie strikes again...Matt and Rhea were having a conversation with Madalynn one night last week whilst I was attending one of my Board Meetings. Madalynn announced that she was seriously considering joining the Catholic Church (predominant religion here in the Chicago area). Quite curious as to her selection Matt asked her what made her come to that decision. The answer was quite simple..."It is the closest church to our house," said Maddie.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

She's Got the Look!

I watched Sofia the day before Easter so Katie could go out and do some Easter Bunny shopping. I was taking a couple of pictures of her when she gave me 'the look.'

The Irish side of may family calls this 'the go to hell Hanlon look.' A goodly percentage of the Hanlon side of the family has inherited this delightful face off. I am sure it isn't genetics - rather it is an Irish Attitude - and my lovely baby granddaughter has it.

I watched Mikey, Ella and Sofia this past Sunday afternoon so their parents could have a little adult time. Madalynn went with me and kept Ella and Sofia occupied with teenage activities. Mikey and I played the Wii Star Wars Lego game. Mikey is amazing because he knows every one of the characters from the original trilogy. His favorite ride is Bobo Fett's Slave - personally I am all over the Millennium Falcon.

My grandchildren keep me young and, somewhat, active. Each child has brought something special to my life and make me better because they are here on earth! I normally do not discuss Jim Brown but today I will digress. It is very difficult to understand his behavior. He has not seen nor held four of his grandchildren. He hasn't seen Michael or Mathew in almost 15 years and it has been about 6 years since he last spent time with Trisha. I am sorry for his loss...these children of mine have grown into lovely people and have blessed me with beautiful and intelligent grandchildren - albeit a bit boisterous at times. I don't want to miss watching these babies growing up!

"Children will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feeling that you cherished them." ~Richard L. Evans~

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Oh No...Snow

It is hard to believe this is what we woke up to on Monday morning (April 06, 2009)! I knew we were in trouble when I saw the snow falling early Sunday evening. I had to find my gloves, hat, heavy coat and, most importantly, that doo dad that scraps ice and snow off of the windows. Thank goodness we didn't need to go searching for the snow shovel!

I am not going to go on and on about the snow but goodness gracious enough is enough!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Mikey...My Favorite Grandson...

I love my Mikey! He is so much like his mother in temperment but he sure looks like Michael. I must add that I am delighted he has his mother's temperment. She is kind and compassionate - both excellent qualities.

Mikey played T-Ball last year and football. He was very good at both but you can tell he LOVES football. He does well in school and is very considerate to everyone but Ella...just kidding! For a while he had a sign on his bedroom door...No gurls can come in. Ella has become a bit squeamish about sleeping alone so Mikey lets her come in and sleep in his double bed. One day he confided in me - telling me he thought Ella had issues (his words not mine). Quite funny coming from a 6 year old about his 4 year old sister.

He is very sweet with Sofia but there are times when he has just had enough of the gurls!

He loves all things WII and I have contributed to his enjoyment of computer games. He and I play Zelda together though it is for an older age group.

Mikey is all things wonderful and 500% boy! I have been blessed with truly fantastic grandchildren!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Plating...not to be confused with skating!

Maddie could keep me in stories forever. I wish I had time when my children were growing up to keep a blog about their comings and goings. But then again we didn't have the internet when my kids were growing up...
So...Matt and Rhea flew to Southern California last week to attend Allison's Bat Mitzvah. Maddie had school so we stayed here and it was business as usual. I decided I would go home early every night I could so I could spend more time with Madds. Last Wednesday night I walked in about 4:30 p.m. - to everyone's surprise. Yes...I mean everyone's surprise. Maddie had a gaggle of girlie girls at the house...Sam, Emily (Maddie's partner in most crimes), Yugoda, Carrie and Jaylynn. On the table were a stack of nice white glass plates. The girls decided to take a walk around the block before I was going to take them to church. My last words as they departed..."I'm not sure what you are doing with those dishes but DO NOT throw those dishes. Put them in the trash before you get yourself into trouble." Yeppers...famous last words!
So I am cleaning up - doing a bit of laundry and I get a phone call from Jaylynn's mother - asking me to go to the high school because the police are holding the girls. It seems the girls decided to use the plates as skates. They broke glass all over the school parking lot with their antics. The police made them pick up all the glass. The principal of the school asked the kids involved to meet him on Saturday morning to clean up the grounds of the school.
Madalynn was quite upset because her friends did not confess and own their misdeeds. Perhaps she will find the lesson in this and understand she must make her choices without influence from her friends.
Anywho...she was restricted to the house for the weekend and had to do copious amount of chores! And that is another story!!!